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Display Advertising in Poland 2025 – Internet-based display advertising campaigns

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Banner, Half Page, or perhaps Rectangle – which formats should be part of your media plan? How will ad blockers impact your campaign’s effectiveness? Which ad networks are best for running ads, and should you use remarketing in your Display Advertising in Poland?

Or perhaps you’re already running Internet advertising in Poland for your products and would like to check whether your settings are optimal?

Get in touch with us and book a consultation.

What is Display Advertising?

Display Advertising in Poland is a form of promoting your product or service. It’s also an excellent way to acquire new customers. Display campaigns are graphic internet adverts that combine imagery, text, and a clickable URL leading to the advertiser’s website. We can classify them in several ways, for example by type: static banner ads (most commonly in .jpg format) or dynamic banner ads (HTML5).

We can also segment Display Advertising in Poland based on banner size, measured in pixels. Some typical banner formats include:

  • Rectangle (300×250)
  • Billboard (750×100)
  • Double Billboard (750×200)
  • Triple Billboard (750×300)
  • Vertical formats, such as Half Page (300×600)
  • And many others.

The most popular format tends to be the 300×250 (Rectangle).

Display ads can also be categorised by the type of creative. The examples above are known as “flat formats.” We can also find layered formats, such as Top-layer (750×400) and Brandmark (300×300).

Display Advertising is a form of promoting your product or service. It’s also an excellent way of gaining new customers. Display campaigns are graphical forms of Internet advertising, combining images, copy, and a clickable URL.

How much does a display campaign cost in Poland?

Display Advertising in Poland tends to be relatively inexpensive compared to other forms of advertising, such as  radio or TV campaigns in Poland. The cost of a display campaign depends on a range of factors, including:

  • The popularity of the website
  • The type and number of ad formats
  • The placement of the ads
  • The campaign duration
  • The campaign objective

A campaign on the homepage of a major website (e.g. Onet or WP) can be quite costly—sometimes tens of thousands of złotys per day. However, advertising in the Google Display Network (GDN) can be run on a budget of just a few złotys a day. Depending on your payment model, you may be charged per click or per impression, with the rate determined in an auction system. It can be as low as just a few groszys per click.

Production costs for the graphic component of a display advert—the creative itself—are relatively small. In this sense, Display Advertising in Poland is more akin to text-based advertising in search engines. Platforms like Google or Adform offer banner creation tools that produce various graphic ad combinations using just a handful of images.

How to set a budget for a display campaign for Poland?

As with paid search campaigns, there’s no set minimum spend. The constraints of market auction costs are largely negligible, and daily spends as low as 10–15 złotys can still support a campaign.

Major players sometimes allocate tens or even hundreds of thousands of złotys per month to Internet advertising in Poland, including display. Businesses that use display ads as a supplementary marketing tool typically invest a few thousand złotys monthly.

If you run a business where conversions can be tracked, your limiting factor will likely be the profit margin on each product sold. In that case, a properly configured analytics setup will, over time, help you define a sensible spend level for your campaigns.

What if we don’t know our conversion costs?

A media agency such as ours can analytically determine an appropriate level of spend for every advertising activity. When it comes to Display Advertising in Poland, this can be done by implementing the right measurement plan for your website.

Advantages of Display Advertising in Poland

It builds brand awareness

Display ads can achieve substantial reach, making them visible to large audiences. They’re graphic adverts that typically showcase a brand and its logo. Even if people don’t click on the ad, they still register the brand or service’s distinctive identifiers. As a result, display ads help boost recognition of your brand, service, or product.

Display Advertising in Poland – targeting

Precise targeting is the greatest advantage of display campaigns. You can reach people who visit specified websites, or choose sites by thematic categories. This approach is called contextual targeting—your ad will appear on pre-defined pages or page categories.

Beyond contextual targeting, there’s also audience buying in Internet advertising in Poland.

Audience-based buying refers to purchasing access to defined groups of users whose interests are known and categorised. This categorisation is based on users’ online activity, or on physical location data from mobile phones.

Specialised firms collect user information on the internet, but only with users’ consent. Once collected, these data points help serve tailored ads across a wide range of sites—from major portals to smaller websites, blogs, forums, and apps.

And that’s not all. You can also display relevant graphic ads to individuals who’ve interacted with your site—for example, targeting users who visited your page but didn’t complete an online purchase. You can even choose not to show certain ads to people who’ve already made a purchase.

In addition to retargeting, you can reach “lookalike” or “similar” audiences. These are people whose known “digital attributes” overlap by 95% with those of your existing customers. This is often referred to as a similar audience or lookalike audience approach.

Low entry threshold and affordable costs

Another key advantage is the very low entry threshold. You can run effective display ad campaigns for as little as a few złotys per day. Thanks to precise targeting and low costs, display ads are an accessible tool even for smaller businesses.


Display ads generally offer low cost per click (CPC). In campaigns such as those run on the Google Display Network, clicks can cost less than 50 groszys each.

Easy tracking of results

Display Advertising in Poland gives you the ability to monitor and track campaign performance, thanks to the option of implementing specific tracking scripts on websites. For this to work properly, you need to set up your analytics correctly.

Display campaigns in Poland – real-time triggers

What if you’d like a certain advert to appear only under specific weather conditions? Various platforms offer intriguing possibilities. For instance, a pharma company might show an ad triggered by a predefined weather scenario.

Signals can be set up manually, but some platforms also provide automated triggers—such as sports results. Depending on a match outcome, you can programme a particular ad to appear.

These mechanisms adapt to real-time events, allowing for more relevant targeting. This enhances the impact of your advertising message and helps it stay memorable.

Precise targeting is the greatest advantage of Display Advertising in Poland. We can reach users who visit specified websites—this type of targeting is known as contextual targeting. In addition to contextual targeting, we can also purchase a defined audience.

Challenges of Display Advertising in Poland

Limited messaging

Much like outdoor billboard adverts in Poland, the number of elements and the overall content featured on a banner should be minimal—simple enough for users to read and grasp at a glance. If there are too many elements or lengthy taglines and descriptions, campaign effectiveness drops.

Unlike standard outdoor advertising, however, banner ads contain a link to a website. On the website itself, you can provide a full description of the product or service.

Inappropriate content

For a brand, appearing alongside unsuitable or questionable content can lead to a loss of hard-earned reputation. With this type of Internet advertising in Poland, it’s difficult to avoid such situations with 100% certainty.

That said, some services monitor and categorise online content. Using their data—and paying a premium—you can significantly limit your brand’s presence next to undesired material.

Banner blindness

Banner blindness is the subconscious, automatic ignoring of banners on websites. While radio listeners or TV viewers also tune out adverts at times, the inclination to ignore ads is often even stronger with online advertising.


Ad blockers

Ad blockers are software programs that stop adverts from being displayed. People who use them typically find advertising content annoying or disruptive, so they resort to solutions that reduce the visibility of ads in their browsers.

As a result, many banner ads are never shown to these users at all.

Responsive display ads

Responsive display ads are available through Google Ads in the Google Display Network (GDN). They are a form of Display Advertising that automatically selects the most effective copy and visuals, tailoring displayed ads to the right audience segments. This approach enhances targeting and strengthens the advertising message.

Responsive display ads are easy to set up and work across all available formats. They adapt to the user’s device, screen size, and resolution.

Display Advertising in Poland vs. paid search

Display campaigns fall under the “push” type of advertising. The audience is effectively “pushed” in a certain direction, with the aim of influencing potential customers and prompting a specific action.

Paid search, by contrast, responds to current queries and needs—the user’s intent “triggers” the ad. A “push” campaign, however, shapes those needs and builds brand awareness. As a result, once a need arises, the consumer is already familiar with the brand.

The potential of paid search is limited to those actively searching for certain products or services. Meanwhile, in terms of Internet advertising in Poland, display campaigns can have a far broader reach.

Programmatic buying

Programmatic buying is an automated model for managing advertising campaigns in digital media. It relies on algorithms to decide which ads should be shown to a particular user, based on the data available. This approach enables more effective and efficient use of advertising budgets, as well as better alignment of ads with audiences. By serving specific ads to specific people, the likelihood of conversion increases significantly.

In the programmatic model, you can purchase Display Advertising or run video campaigns—both of which can boost campaign effectiveness.

The inclusion of Display Advertising in Poland in a media plan depends on numerous factors. Each medium has its own role, with particular strengths that may be useful in specific scenarios.

FAQ Display Advertising in Poland

What is Display Advertising?

Display advertising is a graphical form of promoting a product or service online, combining imagery, text, and a URL leading to the advertiser’s website.

What types of display ads exist, based on format and size?

They can be classified as static or dynamic, and come in various sizes such as Rectangle (300×250) or Billboard (750×100), among others.

Is Display Advertising in Poland expensive?

Compared with other forms of advertising, it’s relatively inexpensive. The cost depends on factors such as the popularity of the website, the ad format, and placement.

An advert on the homepage of a well-known site (for instance, Onet or WP) can cost tens of thousands of złotys per day.

How do you determine a budget for a display campaign in Poland?

There’s no fixed minimum. You can start spending as little as 10–15 złotys per day, although large companies may invest hundreds of thousands of złotys each month.

What are the advantages of Display Advertising?

It builds brand awareness, offers extensive reach, and showcases the distinctive elements of your brand or service.

What is targeting in display advertising?

Targeting lets you reach specific audiences, such as people visiting chosen websites or grouped by thematic categories, as well as purchase a defined audience (audience buying).

What is audience-based buying?

It means purchasing access to particular groups of users, based on their interests, online behaviour, or the physical locations they visit.

What are retargeting and similar audiences in display advertising?

Retargeting involves showing ads to individuals who have already interacted with your site. Similar audiences (also known as lookalike audiences) refer to groups whose characteristics closely match those of your existing customers.

Display Advertisin Glossary for Poland

Term Description
Adform An advertising platform that enables the commissioning of Display Advertising in Poland in a programmatic model.
CPC (Cost per Click) – the cost per click, often associated with a payment model where the publisher or service charges based on the number of clicks on an ad.
CPM (Cost per Mille) – the cost for every thousand impressions on a page. The Latin word “mille” means 1,000. Often tied to a payment model where the publisher or service charges for every thousand impressions.
CTR (Clickthrough Rate) – a metric indicating how frequently users who see an ad proceed to click on it.
DMP (Data Management Platform) – a platform for collecting and storing customer data, allowing the integration of data from various sources and its use, for example, in targeting campaigns across digital media.
DSP (Demand Side Platform) – a system that allows advertisers to buy ads in a fully programmatic (i.e., automated) way.
Google Ads Formerly Google AdWords – Google’s advertising platform enabling the commissioning of search campaigns and Display Advertising in Poland via the Google Display Network (GDN).
Impressions The total number of times particular content or an ad is displayed. This figure is independent of how many times users click on the content or ad and corresponds to the number of exposures to it, e.g., a banner.
Programmatic Advertising Automated model for managing advertising campaigns in digital media.
RTB (Real-Time Bidding) – a programmatic, i.e., automated, model for purchasing ad space in a real-time auction system.
SSP (Supply Side Platform or Sell Side Platform) – a system that enables publishers to manage the sale of advertising space.
Viewability A metric for online advertising (including Internet advertising in Poland) that aims to count only those impressions potentially visible to users.
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