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Radio Advertising – Radio Campaigns in Poland 2025

Reklama radiowa – kampanie reklamowe w radiu

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Radio Advertising – Radio Campaigns in Poland

A marketing campaign in this medium has its pros and cons. The biggest advantage of Radio Advertising in Poland is the ability to quickly build reach. Radio enables both nationwide and local campaigns. Compared to television, a radio campaign offers lower contact costs, and producing a spot is more affordable.

However, radio is considered a background medium. It only engages through sound, and listeners often tune in while performing other tasks. This results in lower overall effectiveness. The standard format for a radio campaign is a 30-second spot. The peak listening hours typically occur in the mornings. Unlike TV, fluctuations in listenership across different months of the year are minimal.

The biggest advantage of Radio Advertising in Poland is its ability to quickly build reach. Radio offers the flexibility to run both nationwide and local campaigns. Compared to television, a radio campaign has lower contact costs, and producing a radio spot is more affordable.

What is Radio Advertising Today?

Radio Advertising in Poland remains an excellent marketing tool. Despite the rise of new technologies, radio continues to enjoy widespread popularity. Radio advertising encompasses a variety of formats, from traditional spots to more advanced interactive campaigns.

Radio ads offer a unique opportunity to reach a broad audience. In Poland, radio is part of daily life—whether in the car, at work, or relaxing at home. This means radio advertising reaches diverse audiences, regardless of age or interests.

One of its key strengths is the ability to evoke emotions through voiceovers and music. Radio spots can inspire joy, sadness, or excitement, making the message feel more personal and memorable. This emotional power allows brands to effectively communicate the values of their products or services.

Modern Radio Advertising in Poland also benefits from advanced technology. Stations offer the ability to target ads to specific market segments, allowing companies to tailor their campaigns to selected audiences. For example, younger people listening to internet radio might receive different content than older listeners tuning into traditional FM stations.

The timing of ad broadcasts is also crucial. Campaigns scheduled during peak hours, such as morning and late afternoon, are more likely to reach a larger number of working professionals.

Contemporary radio advertising isn’t limited to airing commercials between music tracks or news programs. Increasingly, brands are leveraging branded content—sponsored material integrated into radio shows as part of the programming.

Radio Advertising remains one of the most versatile marketing tools. It effectively captures listeners’ attention through diverse formats and allows companies to personalise their campaigns to suit both their needs and the preferences of their audience.

How Much Does a Radio Advertising Campaign Cost in Poland?

Components of Radio Advertising Costs

The cost of Radio Advertising in Poland consists of two main elements: the production cost of the radio spot and the fees charged by radio stations for airing it.

Production Costs

Production costs vary depending on several factors. As with television advertising, costs may increase if a well-known personality, such as an actor or celebrity, is hired as a voiceover. Other factors include whether one or multiple voices are used and the type of music background selected.

While it’s difficult to define an upper limit for these expenses, radio spot production costs are generally lower compared to TV. The cost of creating a radio ad typically starts at a few thousand Polish złoty.

Air Time Costs

The cost of airing a radio ad depends on the size and popularity of the radio station. Rates can also vary by time of day and day of the week. For example, weekend slots are usually cheaper, while weekday morning slots are the most expensive.

Major brands often spend millions of złoty annually on radio advertising. Similar to production costs, it is challenging to define an upper limit for these expenditures.

How to Determine a Budget for a Radio Campaign

A typical radio campaign lasts about two weeks. It’s recommended that the spot is aired 3 to 5 times per day. For campaigns targeting active groups, it may be sufficient to focus on weekdays. This applies to both regional and national stations, but the execution depends on the advertiser’s objectives.

Key Considerations for Budget Planning

When setting a budget for a radio campaign, consider the following:

  • Analyse how much your competitors are spending on radio campaigns.
  • Review the marketing results achieved by those campaigns.
  • Evaluate the media metrics generated by competitors’ radio ads.

A media agency can accurately estimate radio advertising costs for companies operating in your competitive environment. Our agency can recommend an appropriate investment level for your radio campaign and handle the planning and purchasing of media for both regional and national radio stations.

Advantages of Radio Campaigns in Poland

Radio Is More Affordable Than Television

Compared to television, the entry barrier for radio is significantly lower. Producing a radio spot costs only a few to tens of thousands of złoty. Local campaigns typically require budgets of tens of thousands of złoty, while nationwide campaigns on major stations like RMF can cost several hundred thousand złoty.

Lower CPP Than Television

Cost per point (CPP) in radio stations is lower than in television campaigns, making radio a cost-effective medium for reaching an audience.

Radio Advertising Quickly Builds Reach

Like television campaigns, Radio Advertising in Poland quickly builds reach. It is also a mass medium, with daily average listenership often exceeding the daily average viewership of television.

Enables Local Campaigns

Similar to outdoor advertising, radio campaigns can target specific locations. This is a significant advantage for businesses whose services are not nationwide. A local radio campaign is an excellent promotional tool for businesses operating in a single city or region.

Quick Campaign Launch

Another advantage of radio is the ability to quickly get on air. Radio campaigns can often be planned and launched within just a few days of the desired broadcast date.

High Flexibility of Radio Stations

During a radio campaign, it is easy to replace the ad spot if needed. As mentioned earlier, production costs are relatively low. This allows advertisers to adjust the message in response to changing circumstances and react quickly if necessary.

Shorter Ad Breaks

Compared to TV, ad breaks on radio are generally shorter. Listeners are less likely to switch stations during commercials, as a chosen station is typically left unchanged throughout a session.

Boosting Brand Awareness

Radio Advertising in Poland positively impacts brand awareness and purchase consideration. It’s an effective medium for building recognition and encouraging consumer engagement with your brand.

Reklama radiowa – kampanie reklamowe w radiu

Compared to TV, ad breaks on Radio Advertising in Poland are generally shorter. Listeners are less likely to switch stations during commercial breaks, as a chosen station is typically left unchanged. Radio advertising also has a positive impact on building brand awareness.

Disadvantages of Radio Advertising in Poland

A Background Medium

Radio is often considered a background medium—something listeners engage with while performing other activities. As a result, listeners pay less attention to advertisements. Even though daily radio listenership is generally higher than that of television, radio ads have lower memorability.

Radio Relies Solely on Sound

The limited attention of listeners is the main drawback of radio. Unlike television campaigns, which use visuals, motion, and sound, Radio Campaigns in Poland rely solely on sound. This makes radio messages less engaging and less likely to capture listeners’ full attention.

Measuring Campaign Effectiveness is Challenging

It is particularly difficult to link advertising expenses to measurable marketing outcomes. Determining how many people heard and remembered the ad—and subsequently purchased the advertised product—is a significant challenge in radio advertising.

Formats of Radio Spots for Broadcast in Pland

Standard Format – 30-Second Spot

In Poland, the standard spot for Radio Campaigns is 30 seconds long. A standard spot is defined as one for which reference broadcast prices are provided. These prices are typically based on the rate card for specific broadcast time slots.

In Poland, the majority of radio ad purchases are based on rate cards for broadcast time slots, making this the dominant purchasing option.

15-Second and 10-Second Spots

Spots of other lengths have their own pricing indices, which are multipliers applied to the standard rate. For example, a 15-second spot typically has an index of 0.7, while a 10-second spot has an index of 0.55. These indices may vary depending on the radio station.

Seasonality in Radio Advertising in Poland

Minimal Seasonal Variations in Listenership

Radio listenership in Poland does not exhibit significant seasonal variations, unlike TV viewership.

Highest Listenership During Morning Hours

It’s important to note the so-called radio prime time. Unlike television, where prime time occurs in the evening, Radio Advertising in Poland sees its peak listenership during the morning hours, typically between 7:00 and 9:30 AM. This period largely coincides with commuting times, often referred to as “drive time.”

Radio Listenership – Research

In Poland, the standard for measuring radio listenership is the Radio Track study. This is a Day After Recall survey supplemented by diary panel data. The research is commissioned by the Radio Research Committee (KBR) and has been conducted for many years by Kantar Polska.

The study is conducted with a sample of approximately 7,000 people each month. Respondents are aged between 15 and 75 years. Cities with populations exceeding 100,000 residents are overrepresented in the sample. This makes it one of the largest recurring surveys on the Polish market in terms of the number of participants.

FAQ Radio Advertising – Radio Campaigns in Poland

What Are the Characteristics of Radio Advertising in Poland?

Radio advertising allows for quick reach-building, the ability to run both nationwide and local campaigns, and is cheaper to produce compared to television.

What Are the Main Disadvantages of Radio Advertising?

Radio is a background medium, meaning it relies solely on sound and is often listened to while performing other tasks, which can reduce its effectiveness.

How Much Does It Cost to Produce a Radio Ad?

The production cost of a radio ad starts at a few thousand złoty and depends on factors such as the choice of voiceover artist, the number of characters, music background, etc.

What Are the Costs of Airing Ads on Radio?

The cost of airing radio ads depends on the popularity of the station, the day of the week, and the time of day. Typically, it is cheaper on weekends and more expensive on weekdays during morning hours.

How Long Does an Average Radio Campaign Last?

An average radio campaign lasts about 2 weeks, with ad spots recommended to air 3 to 5 times per day.

What Are the Advantages of Radio Campaigns Compared to TV Campaigns?

Radio is cheaper, allows for faster campaign launches, features shorter ad breaks, and offers greater flexibility for changing spots during the campaign.


What Are the Standard Formats for Radio Ads?

The standard format for a radio ad is 30 seconds, but shorter formats, such as 15 and 10 seconds, are also available.

What Are the Best Times for Airing Radio Ads in Poland?

The highest radio listenership occurs in the morning, between 7:00 and 9:30 AM, often referred to as drive time.

What Research Is Used to Analyse Radio Listenership in Poland?

The standard research in Poland is the Radio Track study, conducted by Kantar Polska on behalf of the Radio Research Committee.



Radio Glossary in Poland

Term Description
AQH Average Quarter-Hour Audience. The average number of quarter-hours during which a given station (or set of stations) was listened to, divided by the total number of quarter-hours within a specified time frame.
CPP (Cost-Per-Point) The cost of reaching 1% of the target audience. This is the campaign cost divided by GRP.
Drive Time The time associated with commuting to and from work. Morning drive time typically corresponds to the highest radio listenership hours.
GRP (Gross Rating Point) The sum of rating points. A rating represents the percentage of the target audience reached for a given event (x100). For example, if 9% of the target group heard an ad before a programme and 7% after, the GRP for these events would be 9+7=16.
OTH (Opportunity to Hear) The frequency or average number of times individuals who heard a message at least once were exposed to it.
Average Listening Time The average time spent listening to a station (or set of stations) per listener. This is typically calculated on a daily basis.
Unaided Awareness Awareness of radio stations among individuals who mentioned specific stations independently, without any prompts from the interviewer.
Aided Awareness Awareness of radio stations among individuals who confirmed knowing specific stations after being read a list by the interviewer.
Daily Reach The number of people who listened to a station for at least one quarter-hour on the day prior to the interview.
Weekly Reach The number of people who listened to a station for at least one quarter-hour within the seven days prior to the interview.
Quarter-Hour Reach The number of people who listened to a station during at least one of the quarter-hours.
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